True Nature of an Invincible Yogi

2 min readJul 21, 2020

I meditate and I get these sparks of clarity and understanding of my own nature. These are raw words, I am putting out here. One may find it ridiculous but it is my own personal experience I cannot deny.

The Fountain, Darren Aronofosky

Body is nature and the force of nature is strong. It is to an extent invincible in the human perception.

Sex, food, sleep, breath is driven by the force of nature. When talking of sex, passions originating from it are not too far, which gratify our ephemeral senses. Similarly, one can project that all aspects driven by nature have passions of some sort attached to them, triggering the senses in a similar way.

To go beyond the passions and their elementary origins, is to overcome the force of nature itself.

A yogi is on the path of understanding the nature.

When we understand a subject like physics, we become capable of using it, controlling it, for our own good. This is quite apparent from the evolution of science and the inventions that human mind has been able to achieve.

Drawing a perfect analogy, by understanding the true nature, the divine nature, a yogi becomes capable of overcoming the force of nature.

Such a human being need not come to earth again. He becomes the owner of his nature, the true nature, to decide for himself.

I have a purpose for writing. These writings are like letters to people who share similar experiences. The purpose is to let them know that they are not alone in their search. There is an unsaid community built solely on the experiences of higher dimension.

This purpose would be full-filled by sharing with people. My happiness lies in bringing a positive change in as many lives as possible.

“For as long as space endures
And for as long as living beings remain,
Until then may I too abide
To dispel the misery of the world.” —Santideva




Yogi, Stoic, Thinker, striving to continuously evolve to my highest state of being to take the world to highest state of life.